I've made it to 40 weeks! I feel some sense of accomplishment making it this long. I went to the doctor this morning and am still not dilated but my cervix is still thinning out. He assured me again that I could still go into labor anytime.
Sophie has "dropped." My belly was measuring smaller than it has been the last few weeks. He said this is because she's dropped further into my pelvis. He still thinks she's going to be about 7 pounds or so and her heartbeat is still good and strong. My blood pressure is great once again and I have not gained any weight since my last appointment despite my continuous swelling.
So what happens now? Well, I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next Wednesday. They will do the NST or Non Stress Test where I will be hooked up to the fetal monitor. I will then get scheduled for an induction. The doctor was looking at a
possible date of Friday June 12th for me to be induced. His prediction is that I won't make it to my Wednesday appointment. We are counting on that :) I still think I will go into labor during the full moon on Sunday. That is my own little prediction.
So that's the latest and greatest news. I feel a little bit better knowing that there's an end in sight. It may be a week or so away but at least I know it's coming.