Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 Weeks Old

Sophie is now 6 weeks old!! It still amazes me how time flies. She started daycare this week and is doing great. It's more of an adjustment for me as I am missing her like crazy when she's away. This week has, by far, been the hardest week yet. I'm still waiting for Ricky to win the lottery so I can stay home.
On a happier note, Ms. Sophie is becoming more aware of her surroundings. She follows things with her eyes, she makes the cutest little noises, and is starting to smile. Makes my day when she smiles at me. The best thing is that she is sleeping longer at night. Lately we've been putting her in her crib about 10:00 or so and she'll sleep until about 4:00. I'm starting to adjust to that as well. When she was first born I would nod off while feeding her, now I'm wide awake.

Here are a few pictures that my sister-in-law, Maegan, took of Sophie last week. They turned out so good!! Thanks Maegan!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

All tuckered out

All that kicking and wiggling wore this little girl out!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bath time!

A few pictures of Sophie during bath time. She's very content when she's getting a bath, loves being in the warm water. As of yet, knock on wood, she has not peed or pooped in the bath tub. I'm sure our time is coming, but so far so good.

Sophie is 5 weeks old now. She's getting so much more observant and aware of us and things around her. She LOVES her Baby Einstein play mat (thanks Amy, Chris, Mike and Sarah). In other news I go back to work July 29th. She'll start daycare on July 27th, a few days before so we can both get used to this change (I'm not thinking about it yet, I may cry if I do). So this week I'm going to get as much Sophie and Mommy time as possible.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4 weeks old

Sophie is officially 1 month old. Wow, it's amazing how fast this past month has gone. She's getting so big and developing her little personality. She's starting to stay awake during the day a little bit longer and she's sleeping, for the most part, longer at night. We've also got her transitioned to the crib and the pack and play has been moved downstairs!!

Sophie made her first road trip to Charlotte over the weekend to visit the family and she did great. It's a good thing that the car rides make her sleep. We barely heard a peep out of her the whole ride.

Friday, July 3, 2009

3 weeks old!

Happy early 4th of July! Sophie is 3 weeks old today. The small little Kodak camera I've had for the past year apparently has a video function. Just found this out today. Here's a little video of Sophie laying on her blanket just wiggling her little heart out. She makes the cutest little sounds.

This week we are going to attempt to transition her to her crib. I'd like to have her sleeping in her crib by the time I go back to work, we'll see how it goes. She's sleeping ok overall, some nights are better than others. This girl can go through some diapers!!

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