Sophie is now 6 weeks old!! It still amazes me how time flies. She started daycare this week and is doing great. It's more of an adjustment for me as I am missing her like crazy when she's away. This week has, by far, been the hardest week yet. I'm still waiting for Ricky to win the lottery so I can stay home.
On a happier note, Ms. Sophie is becoming more aware of her surroundings. She follows things with her eyes, she makes the cutest little noises, and is starting to smile. Makes my day when she smiles at me. The best thing is that she is sleeping longer at night. Lately we've been putting her in her crib about 10:00 or so and she'll sleep until about 4:00. I'm starting to adjust to that as well. When she was first born I would nod off while feeding her, now I'm wide awake.
Here are a few pictures that my sister-in-law, Maegan, took of Sophie last week. They turned out so good!! Thanks Maegan!