I just realized that I haven't posted anything since November 1st! I'm such a slacker! It's been a very busy month so far and with the Holiday's approaching, it's going to be even busier. Lots of traveling coming up.
So let's start off with news on Ms. Sophie. We've made some major progress in the solid food department. She's gone from hating oatmeal to tolerating it well. Last weekend we started her on cereal twice a day (for about a month she only got it in the evenings). I was a little nervous with daycare feeding her cereal because she put up such a fight. Lord and behold that girl ate every bit of cereal! So this week we started her on sweet potatoes and she LOVES them. Eats those bad boys up! So we've made some real progress with solid foods this week. I'm so proud of her, she even opens her mouth for the spoon instead of us kind of "forcing" the spoon in her mouth. Now tonight we start.....Green Beans!! Oh and just this morning I was "waving" bye bye to Sophie and she was mimicking my hand motion. I thought that was the coolest thing yet!
I'm still very serious about doing a half marathon next year. I've been running a lot since the Race for the Cure. Well a lot may not be defined as others would define it, but for working and taking care of a 5 month old, I've been running a lot. About 3 times a week right now. I am starting to force myself up during the week, at 4:30, to hit the gym. It's hard but once I get out of bed and get to the gym, I feel great. I have a "training" schedule set up for myself. It's based on 12 weeks but since I have a year, I'm going at my own pace until the beginning of next year. Then I'm really going to kick it into high gear. I'm running a 10k in January so I basically have to double what I currently run, which is 3.5 miles. Sounds hard but I'm up for the challenge. The biggest challenge is not the running, but organizing my week to make time to run. Luckily Sophie has been sleeping so good these last few weeks.
So my running schedule is as follows:
Thanksgiving Day - Turkey Day Gobble Wobble (5k)
January 17th - Riverfront Race Festival (10k) Yikes!
Febuary 6th - Save the Light (5k)
March 13th - Flowertown Festival Run (5k)
March 27th - Cooper River Bridge Run (10k)
April 10th - Fun Sun Run in Murrell's Inlet (5k)
The goal is to try to run a race a month to keep myself in check. Not so sure about the summer months. If there's one thing I despise is running in the heat. I've had heat exhaustion before and it was not fun. So we'll have to see how I'm doing at that point. I've got my running partner, Pam, to keep me motivated! Very excited.
Ricky is working hard and trying to get deals. With the whole economy downfall, having a baby, paying for daycare, it's been tough. We want to try to sell our house next year and move to where I'll have a better commute to work. I'm trying to stay positive but it's difficult to do so. I don't like where we live in relation to where I work. It's an awful drive and I get home so late. Staying home is not an option so I have to make due, which is fine, but I would love to move from Summerville.
Overall we're all doing great! I will take some pictures of Sophie really soon, I promise!