Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome Sean

Ricky got the ultimate birthday gift, a nephew. Sean Brendan McAulay was born early Friday morning weighing in at 8 pounds 9 oz and 21 inches long. I drove to Gaston Memorial Friday evening to meet the little guy and spent all day Saturday at the hospital hanging out. Amy did awesome and recovered very well. Garrett thinks his little brother is cool and wanted to hold him a bunch. He is being such a good big brother! I personally think Sean looks like Chris, where as Garrett looked more like Amy to me. Here are a few pictures of the newest addition to the McAulay family.

Monday, February 22, 2010

8 Is Great

Saturday morning I ran 8 miles!! What?? Yes, that's right, I'm up to 8 and believe it or not I felt pretty good despite that I was still a little congested from my cold and coughing. I stopped once after 6 miles for a little coughing spell and then picked it back up to finish 8 miles in 1 hour and 17 minutes. Very happy with my progress, it's nice to have your friends there to motivate you. I don't know if I could do it alone. Well I probably could but it wouldn't be as much fun :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in Summerville!

I admit I was a nay sayer, but it actually snowed in Charleston last night. We got close to 5 inches! I was not overly excited to get snow as I'm just so very ready for warmer weather. But it's already starting to melt so that makes me happy :) Needless to say I'm in the minority with that opinion. Most everyone I know was very excited. The pups got to run around and this is Wylie's first snow so I think he enjoyed it. Not to mention the multiple power outages we had last night. It was pretty darn cold in the house and I was worried about Sophie getting cold so I didn't sleep much. This was not my week to sleep.

Sophie is 8 months old as of yesterday!!! She's had a rough week, little bit of a virus with just a fever and that's it. Teething on top of that made for some rough nights of little sleep for all. It seems to be getting better.

Other news, my race last weekend went very well. I ran a 5k in 28:01!! My fastest time ever. Very happy with that time since my goal was to run it in 28:45. It can only get better from here. Unfortunately this week I have only run once since I've been dog tired from my lack of sleep. I've got 2 10k's next month so I need to get on the ball.

Here are some pictures of Sophie, dogs, and snow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nothing Much Going On

Nothing new to report, just struggling through the month of February. For me this is the most depressing month because you know spring is around the corner, but it's still winter and cold. We are all ready for warmer weather!! Did the groundhog see his shadow? I don't even know.

Sophie is still as cool as ever. No new teeth but I think she's working on them. I predict the one of the uppers will come next. They look like they are going to pop through at any moment. She's officially rolling over in her sleep now. Scared the crap out of me when I first walked in her nursery one night to check and she was completely on her tummy. I'm starting to get used to the idea of it all and resisting my urge to flip her back onto her back. Everyone says it's normal at the age and the SIDS risk has decreased by now (which is what I am most afraid of). She's starting to get herself on her tummy a lot more lately when she's playing. She kicks her little legs and looks like she really wants to crawl, but just can't get there. She holds onto me or something while standing, and loves to bob up and down like she's dancing to music. It's the cutest thing ever and the ladies at daycare get a kick out of it. They chant "go Sophie, go Sophie, go Sophie" and she just laughs and smiles!

Running has been going great. I run a 5k this weekend at the Save the Light race on Folly Beach. My goal is to improve my time, would like to be around 28:45 or so. Then it's back to my 10k races, I've got 2 in March, and then race season is pretty much done until September.

Up and coming races:

Save the Light 5k, Folly Beach - this weekend
Flowertown Festival 10k, Summerville - March 13th
Cooper River Bridge Run 10k, Charleston - March 27th

I'm still on track, as far as my training goes, to run the Kiawah Half Marathon in December. Other than that, we're all happy and healthy in 2010!

Would you believe it if I told you I've already started planning Sophie's first birthday? Now I know it's only February but if I don't start now, June will sneak up on me and I want her to have a nice first birthday. You only turn 1 once :) I don't think I'm going to have a particular theme for her party, saving all my cool ideas for the next couple of years. She's growing so fast!!
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