Monday, February 28, 2011

Good-bye February!

I'm falling behind once again on my blogging. This is what working full time and being a Mommy does to you. Time flies by! I am happy to see February go. This is my least favorite month of the year mainly because it's still Winter but you know Spring is right around the corner, although this last week the weather has been so nice. Bring on Spring!!

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to two special guys. Both my hubby and nephew celebrated a birthday on February 26th. Ricky turned 33 (which he considers old and I keep telling him he's crazy) and my nephew Sean celebrated is big FIRST birthday! With the flu, poor kiddo.

Ricky and I got to go out to dinner, something we haven't done together since......I can't even remember. My Mother-In-Law babysat Ms. Sophie. We went to Oscar's in Summerville and then a new wine bar called Accent on Wine. I really like it there, they serve a large assortment of wine and beer along with cheeses and fruit. We will be going back for sure!

In other "big" news we took the front rails off Sophie's crib on Friday. First night she did really well, took a little bit of time for her to go down as usual, but she slept all night in her bed. Next two nights have not gone so well, she's fallen out of her bed. So as of this morning I ordered the little white mesh guard rail. This is a big transition for all of us and it'll just take some time getting used to. She can't sleep in a crib forever. Next on the list is the paci take away. I want it gone by the time she's two so we've got 4 months to go and I have a feeling this will be the ultimate battle.

Running is going well. Just trying to maintain my training at this point. Two weeks ago I ran 12 miles then yesterday I ran 11.5. I wanted to shoot for 13 but it was warmer than I anticipated and I did not have any water with me. Plus I'm thinking those 3 glasses of wine I had the night before did not help. I felt tired starting out but then my second wind hit. Still no decision on whether I'm going to do a marathon in the fall. I'm still on the fence and just when I think I want to commit I talk myself out of it. If I ran anything like I did Sunday I won't make it. But note to self, no booze before a long run. Still, the weather was awesome and it was nice to be outside.

I have some pictures to post of Sean's first birthday party and randoms of Sophie but I just haven't had the time to upload. The only reason I'm posting at this moment is because it's my lunch hour at work.

So fingers crossed that my child will sleep decent this week!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Call Me Crazy

I recently stumbled across a new running blogs which I have added to my "Favorite Blogs and Websites" below. If you are a runner or even if you're not a runner and want to start (everyone has to start somewhere), check it out. There's a TON of work out videos and tips that seem to be very helpful. I've actually started using a core workout from this blog.

So I've been thinking (which is usually a scary thing) about training for a full marathon. I've been told that I'm crazy and I very well may be, but in my eyes people do this all the time, people that are in less shape than me (not that I'm God's gift to runner but I'm no couch potato).

I've got three more races that I'm signed up for: Flowertown Festival 10k March 12th, Cooper River Bridge Run (10k) April 2nd, and the Charlotte Race Fest Half Marathon April 16th (my second half marathon). So to keep me motivated through the summer I think I want to sign up for a full marathon for the Fall, my final challenge before I'm ready to get pregnant with baby no. 2 (which will be a challenge all by itself having two kids!).

I found a race in Charlotte, NC for November 11th, the Thunder Road Marathon. This would be ideal since my family lives there so I would 1) not have to travel far and 2)  it wouldn't cost me for hotel accommodations and such. Although my good friend Pam suggested the DC Marine Corps Marathon, which I would LOVE to do (only if she does it too) but I'm not sure I can swing the time off for travel and all that fun stuff. There's no telling what this year will bring with Sophie.

On that note, the only reservation I have is will I be able to commit to this? I know I have a good 9 months till November and that should be plenty of time to train, but with working full time and having a one year old (almost 2 year old) can I really put forth the hours? I think so but I don't want to sign up and then fall through. So I'm nervous just thinking about it but I've thought about running one for the whole month of January. My mind is my own worst enemy sometimes. I think way too much!

So I'm going to throw around the idea with Ricky and see if he's on board. I really think I have the drive to do this. I may need my head examined because last year I told myself a marathon was something I had no desire to do. But I want to do it before baby no. 2 and we're going to try for baby no. 2 in December this year or January of next year.

So this is my quest. I'll see how I feel about the idea next week but as Ricky can attest, once I get an idea in my head it's pretty hard for me to let go!

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