It's been a long time since I've posted last! Life has been busy!!! A few weeks ago I seriously contemplated deleting the blog, mainly because I haven't had much time to post and then I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue putting my life out there for the world to see.
So I'm still debating what to do. I even have ideas of starting a new blog that's a little more anonymous, but mostly focused on being a mom trying to juggle...well everything!! I still like having an outlet and a place to put my thoughts and opinions, which is why I haven't deleted it yet.
Running has taken a bit of a back seat lately. I still get out there and run on the treadmill at my usual 4:30 a.m. time (mainly because it's been so stinking hot out!!) but the farthest I've run is 6 miles. There's a reason for this that I will explain at a later time :)
Like I said, I'm still running, just doing shorter distances, and still lifting weights but that's not my complete focus at the moment.
In May we went to the beach for a week with my in-laws. The weather was perfect all week except for the last day there was a tropical storm that was brushing past the coast.
My daughter turned 3 years old on June 12th!!! I also finally moved her over to her big girl room. It's about 95% complete. I still have to re-finish a nightstand and finish the mermaid painting I've started. It's going to be 100 degrees out this weekend so I see myself sitting in the A/C possibly working on this.
Back to my daughter turning 3, we had a small party at our house. We ended up buying her a swing set for her birthday and all the kids came over to play on it. They had some cake and ice cream, she opened presents and then it was done. She had a great time and I didn't have to do a lot so everyone wins!! She was so thrilled to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. I love that little girl, she's so stinking cute!
Her party was on the 16th so on her actual birthday, which again was June 12th, my husband and I took the day off of work and took her to lunch and to the Aquarium. It poured down rain that day but we still had a great time.
Work has been REALLY busy, which in this economy is a good thing!
I've been stressed, I've been tired but I've been happy this past month. I will explain in another post, just can't share the news quite yet.
So we'll see how long it takes to post next time around. In the meantime, it's SUMMER!! Stay cool out there!