Haven't posted since July. Holy cow, has time really gone by that fast? I mean I just found out I was pregnant and now Christmas is almost here.
It's been that busy, seriously. Time...what's that? I have no idea anymore.
A lot has happened since I shared my news. Good things. Well, I think they're good things, we'll see.
July - pregnancy announced. Getting pregnant with Sophie happened very fast. I mean first month we tried I was knocked up. This time around we had been trying since February. Like my first I took a test before my LMP (last missed period) because I felt funny. And sure enough 4 days before I was supposed to get my "friend" the test came back positive.
I decided to wanted to continue running while pregnant. With the doctor's blessing of course.
Me at 17 weeks. I ran 7 miles that morning and that's the farthest I have run since. After that run all my joints ached for days so I decided to scale back to avoid injuring myself.
September - At about 18 weeks we decided to do a 3-D ultrasound to see if we could determine the gender a little early. We never did this with Sophie just had the 20 week ultrasound at the doctor's office. So without further delay, we found out we are having a BOY!!
Very excited to be having a little boy and Sophie is super thrilled to be having a baby brother. It's what she wanted to whole time.
So at 20 weeks everything looked great and ultrasound tech confirmed that it is indeed a boy:
Name we picked: Owen Thomas. Can't wait to meet you little guy!
October - November was spent working, taking care of a very dramatic and crazy 3 1/2 year old and growing a baby. Not to mention trying to get a nursery together for a boy, getting rid of baby girl clothes (a sad day) and getting ready for the Holidays.
The cutest little girl I have ever seen. Her school picture:
December - Getting ready for Christmas and currently 32 weeks pregnant as of December 17th. Everything is going great with the pregnancy. I am measuring right where I need to be and have only gained 23 pounds so far. Very happy with that as I gained about 45 with Sophie.
I am still running but only managing about 3 - 4 miles every other day. So about 10-11 miles a week. That's nothing compared to some women I read about but my body is starting to reject running all together. My hips ache, my joints are starting to ache and there's a ton of pressure in my nether regions when I run. I have to stop and pee every mile.
Most of my running has been on the treadmill. I am still getting up at 4 am during the week and running Saturday mornings. I need at least one rest day in between exercising or I feel completely drained.
Again, I am happy for what I have accomplished so far but I am mentally not ready to stop running. Then again just when I think I am done I pound out a 4 miler and feel like a rockstar. So I will attempt to run and if it ends up that I just walk to move to the elliptical then so be it.
I am still weight training but starting to lighten it up only because my muscles get so fatigued so easily.
In other news, I am quitting my job to become a stay at home mom. Yep, my wish has finally come true. Tomorrow is my last day at work. I am going to take the last month or so and relax and hang with my girl. We still have a bunch to do around the house to get ready for Baby Owen's arrival but I won't have the stress of work, the commute from hell and being rushed.
I will admit I am nervous to stay home. I've worked since I was 15 and the thought of 1 income scares the hell out of me. But I know it's the best decision for us right now. Two kids in daycare cost too much for my salary and then with all the gas I pay to drive here, well it wouldn't be worth it.
I will eventually go back part time once Sophie is in Kindergarten, something that is closer to home.
I am eager to start this new chapter in my life. Stay tuned, it will be interesting!