Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby Pictures

Even though we found out the gender, what Sophie will actually look like will still be a big surprise. Ricky and I like to speculate, when we look at our baby pictures, who she'll resemble more. Who's nose will she have (I pray that it's not mine), what color eyes and hair. If she inherits one thing from me, I hope it's my ability to tan easily.

If you look at our baby pictures, you will see that we were very opposite babies. I have the dark hair (and lots of it) and brown eyes. Ricky has practically no hair and blue eyes (plus he had very blond, almost white hair growing up). So this should be interesting. Only 5 1/2 more weeks to wonder.......
Ricky, 2 months old
Jennifer, 1 day old

1 comment:

Our Family said...

And then you add in the characterisitcs of grandparents and aunts and uncles and you will be even more surprised:)

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