Just got back from my doctor appointment and still not dilated and still 50% effaced. So there's been no progress since last week. The doctor assures me that just because I'm not dilated, does not mean that I won't go into labor soon. It could still happen at any time. My next appointment is on Wed. June 3rd (my due date) so we'll hopefully have some different news to share. I'm still betting on going over my due date but anything can happen.
Sophie's head is engaged in the pelvis and her heartbeat was good and strong. My blood pressure is still great and my feet are still swollen :). The doctor says she is not going to be a big baby at all.
We are so ready!! So everyone, say a little prayer, keep your finger's crossed, whatever. Hope that she will decide to grace us with her presence next week sometime??
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Aches and Pains
Oh the joys of being pregnant. So I am finally experiencing the discomforts of pregnancy. Aside from the swollen legs and feet, my pelvic area is so sore and achy. For the past 3 nights I've slept awful. I toss and turn, cannot find a comfy position. My lower back aches, it hurts to walk. I know boo hoo for me but seriously, it stinks. I've been having pep talks with Sophie, telling her whenever she's ready to make her debut, I'm ready for her. I know I told her to wait for June, but if she wants to come now she can. I can still feel her rolling around in there, I know she's got to be running out of room.
So there's about a week or two left to go. I pray that I go into labor soon because I don't know how much more of this I can stand. When I read and hear how miserable women are the last few weeks, I now know how they feel.
So there's about a week or two left to go. I pray that I go into labor soon because I don't know how much more of this I can stand. When I read and hear how miserable women are the last few weeks, I now know how they feel.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Clean pups

Today we took Zoe and Wylie to get groomed. Zoe was in need of a hair cut BAD. We went ahead and shaved Mr. Wylie as well, so we could attempt to get a grip in the dog hair that accumulates in the house. It's amazing what we vacuum up on a weekly basis. While the dogs were away we cleaned the heck out of the house in preparation for Sophie's arrival. Now we have nice, clean, and hairless pups and a clean house. They sure are cute when they get shaved and were super happy. For being so good they even got bones to chew. Those came in handy while I napped. There was no barking for a good 2 hours.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
And we wait
Just returned from my doctor's appointment today. I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced. Dr. Frampton said that her head was "right there" so she's where she needs to be. He said that this could change at a moment's notice, I could go into labor tonight or 2 weeks from now, it's not something that can be predicted and every woman is different. He thinks she is going to be about a 7 pounder and told me that his gut feeling is that I am not going to have any problems.
He did confirm that if I'm a week past my due date then I will be scheduled for an induction. I really hope that I will go into labor on my own. Preferably the first week of June, are you listening body??
I brought up my swelling again and he assured me that I am fine. My blood pressure is very good so he is not concerned. It's just one of those things. As long as I am healthy and Sophie is healthy then I am OK with swelling for a few more weeks (even though it's ugly as hell to look at).
I have this feeling that I will be in for the long haul but you never know. We went over the basics, if I start having contractions then I am to time them. If they are 5 minutes apart for an hour then I am to call the doctor and they will have me come to the hospital to get checked out. There is a possibility that I could get sent home if these contractions aren't dilating me. Obviously if my water breaks then I'm going to the hospital regardless.
So we wait!
He did confirm that if I'm a week past my due date then I will be scheduled for an induction. I really hope that I will go into labor on my own. Preferably the first week of June, are you listening body??
I brought up my swelling again and he assured me that I am fine. My blood pressure is very good so he is not concerned. It's just one of those things. As long as I am healthy and Sophie is healthy then I am OK with swelling for a few more weeks (even though it's ugly as hell to look at).
I have this feeling that I will be in for the long haul but you never know. We went over the basics, if I start having contractions then I am to time them. If they are 5 minutes apart for an hour then I am to call the doctor and they will have me come to the hospital to get checked out. There is a possibility that I could get sent home if these contractions aren't dilating me. Obviously if my water breaks then I'm going to the hospital regardless.
So we wait!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2 weeks and counting
Well, as you can see from the baby ticker I am 38 weeks today. Words cannot describe how much I don't want to be pregnant anymore. For all mom's reading this, you know how I'm feeling. I would have to say I've had a great pregnancy overall (aside from 2 colds and a stomach bug). I've been able to exercise, go to work everyday, basically have energy this entire time.
Well, that's all changed.
I'm officially tired, tired of exercising, tired of work, and I have no energy. It's gone. I can't even sleep. Big belly and achy hips keep me up all night, not even so much going to the bathroom, but I just can't get comfortable. Oh, and not to mention the size of my legs, ankles, feet, fingers, and I even think I'm finally starting to get "fat face." Not really, but this morning when I woke up I felt like my face looked fat. People at work told me it wasn't, I think they were just being nice :) I will not miss the swelling.
With that being said, I hope labor comes soon. I hope next week is my last week of work and I hope that we will get to meet Sophie very soon. Ricky and I are both getting anxious. I've had a lot more BH contractions. Actually on Saturday, on our way to our anniversary dinner, I started having some pretty consistently. They didn't hurt, just felt my belly tighten up. I decided not to alarm Ricky and wait it out. Well we got through dinner, got back home, and they stopped. We'll see what happens in the next 2 weeks. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow so let's hope that there's some dilation!!
Well, that's all changed.
I'm officially tired, tired of exercising, tired of work, and I have no energy. It's gone. I can't even sleep. Big belly and achy hips keep me up all night, not even so much going to the bathroom, but I just can't get comfortable. Oh, and not to mention the size of my legs, ankles, feet, fingers, and I even think I'm finally starting to get "fat face." Not really, but this morning when I woke up I felt like my face looked fat. People at work told me it wasn't, I think they were just being nice :) I will not miss the swelling.
With that being said, I hope labor comes soon. I hope next week is my last week of work and I hope that we will get to meet Sophie very soon. Ricky and I are both getting anxious. I've had a lot more BH contractions. Actually on Saturday, on our way to our anniversary dinner, I started having some pretty consistently. They didn't hurt, just felt my belly tighten up. I decided not to alarm Ricky and wait it out. Well we got through dinner, got back home, and they stopped. We'll see what happens in the next 2 weeks. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow so let's hope that there's some dilation!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
37 week update
I had my weekly doctor's appointment today and thankfully things are still going great. Her heartbeat was 154, I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment despite my continuous swelling, and blood pressure is good. My Group Strep B test came back negative as well. Sophie is still head down and, according to the doctor, feels very low. I asked her about an estimated birth weight and she seems to think if I carry for a few more weeks (up until my due date or after) I might have a 7 pounder. Now this is only an estimate and does not mean anything until she's born.
I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions here and there but they don't hurt. I just feel my belly start to tighten and release, that's about it. I've read that they don't necessarily hurt and may intensify the further I get, but then I've heard from people that theirs really hurt. Guess I should not complain that mine don't hurt right now. Still making it to the gym, but have cut back some. Mostly it's because I'm tired and a little achy in the hips. When I do go I mostly walk or ride the bike.
So we still wait. I have this feeling that I'm going to go past my due date, but hopefully not!
I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions here and there but they don't hurt. I just feel my belly start to tighten and release, that's about it. I've read that they don't necessarily hurt and may intensify the further I get, but then I've heard from people that theirs really hurt. Guess I should not complain that mine don't hurt right now. Still making it to the gym, but have cut back some. Mostly it's because I'm tired and a little achy in the hips. When I do go I mostly walk or ride the bike.
So we still wait. I have this feeling that I'm going to go past my due date, but hopefully not!
Happy 5 Year Anniversary to us!

Today we celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. Wow, 5 years sure has gone by fast and we've done a lot. I feel so lucky to be married to Ricky. We have a very strong relationship and he is truly my best friend. He puts up with me, which I know I can be very difficult at times, but I think we balance each other out. I don't know what I would do without him in my life. I can't wait to raise our little girl together. He's going to be a fantastic dad. It's funny that in the first 5 we've bought a house, sold the house, moved to Summerville, changed jobs (me multiple). It's just been the two of us plus 2 dogs. Now in the next 5 we will tackle raising a child or two.
So cheers to us! We've made it 5 years and we both look forward to the next 5. Well, at least I do and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way too :) Here is a look back at our special day, May 15th 2004.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all mom's out there. Especially to my friends and family, you all are awesome women and have done a fantastic job! Even though Sophie has a few more weeks, I've already had to make some tough decisions on things and worried about things. According to my mom and sister, this never ends :)
I woke up this morning and had a very sweet card from Ricky waiting for me. Even though I'm not quite a mom yet, he made me feel very special for what I've been doing the last 9 months. He wrote such nice things that I cried (darn hormones). Thank you Ricky for making me feel special!
I hope everyone enjoys their day!
I woke up this morning and had a very sweet card from Ricky waiting for me. Even though I'm not quite a mom yet, he made me feel very special for what I've been doing the last 9 months. He wrote such nice things that I cried (darn hormones). Thank you Ricky for making me feel special!
I hope everyone enjoys their day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Had my doctor's appointment this morning and things are still going great. I'm measuring where I'm supposed to be, heartbeat was normal, blood pressure is normal, weight is good, feet still swollen :) Doctor is not concerned about the swelling since my blood pressure is good and there is no protein in my urine. Sophie is still head down (and boy she likes to headbutt my bladder A LOT).
I did not get checked for dilation and won't until I'm 38 weeks. I asked if I could continue to exercise and she said absolutely, just base it on how I'm feeling. Other than that, it's just a waiting game. I have all my appointments for the month set up, we are going to be installing the car seat this weekend, I have my bag packed just in case, all we need now is a baby.
I did not get checked for dilation and won't until I'm 38 weeks. I asked if I could continue to exercise and she said absolutely, just base it on how I'm feeling. Other than that, it's just a waiting game. I have all my appointments for the month set up, we are going to be installing the car seat this weekend, I have my bag packed just in case, all we need now is a baby.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Almost there
I will be entering my 9th month this week. As of yesterday we are officially a month away from my due date. I think it's really starting to hit me that I will be a mom. Ricky is all cool, calm, and collect while I am not so much (I contribute that to hormones).
I have my 36 weeks doctor's appointment this Thursday and I'm hoping that they'll do an exam and let me know how things are looking. Sophie's still as active as ever and at times it's a little uncomfortable, a little kick to the ribs here and there. I'm know I've said this a thousand times, but we are so ready.
I have my 36 weeks doctor's appointment this Thursday and I'm hoping that they'll do an exam and let me know how things are looking. Sophie's still as active as ever and at times it's a little uncomfortable, a little kick to the ribs here and there. I'm know I've said this a thousand times, but we are so ready.
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