Just returned from my doctor's appointment today. I am not dilated but I am 50% effaced. Dr. Frampton said that her head was "right there" so she's where she needs to be. He said that this could change at a moment's notice, I could go into labor tonight or 2 weeks from now, it's not something that can be predicted and every woman is different. He thinks she is going to be about a 7 pounder and told me that his gut feeling is that I am not going to have any problems.
He did confirm that if I'm a week past my due date then I will be scheduled for an induction. I really hope that I will go into labor on my own. Preferably the first week of June, are you listening body??
I brought up my swelling again and he assured me that I am fine. My blood pressure is very good so he is not concerned. It's just one of those things. As long as I am healthy and Sophie is healthy then I am OK with swelling for a few more weeks (even though it's ugly as hell to look at).
I have this feeling that I will be in for the long haul but you never know. We went over the basics, if I start having contractions then I am to time them. If they are 5 minutes apart for an hour then I am to call the doctor and they will have me come to the hospital to get checked out. There is a possibility that I could get sent home if these contractions aren't dilating me. Obviously if my water breaks then I'm going to the hospital regardless.
So we wait!
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