Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Good Nights Sleep

Ever since Sophie was born she's been a horrible sleeper. I remember the first few weeks of maternity leave I was up almost every hour and a half with her (I breastfed) and I remember closing my eyes and just as I would drift to sleep I would hear her cry. And then I would cry and beg my husband to call in sick to work to let me sleep. Oh those were the good old newborn days!

The first night she slept through the night (and by sleeping through the night I mean 5 hours straight) I felt amazing. From then on she didn't ever really sleep well. There have been many a nights where I've stumbled to her room, gotten her from the crib and rocked her to sleep, falling asleep in the chair myself. We never did the co-sleeping thing until after she was a year - I was very paranoid about SIDS. 

After she turned a year we brought her into bed almost every night because she'd wake up and we had to get back to sleep as soon as possible. There was a period of time where my husband and I said very mean and vile things to each other. Anything that's said in the middle of the night when you're sleep deprived should not be held against you. 

Then she stopped wanting to sleep with us and then what do you do? You sleep on the floor next to her crib until she falls back asleep.

Is there a point to this? No, not really. 

Sophie FINALLY sleeps through the night. Pretty much this year she has started sleeping more soundly, however earlier in the year she started having night terrors. That's fun, let me tell ya. I got used to being sleep deprived, I functioned very well, looked like hell with bags under my eyes but I went to the gym, work, and did everything I normally do now.

Now that she's sleeping consistently it's harder to adjust on those nights where she does wake up. 

Sunday night she woke up crying for her daddy and poor Ricky didn't get much sleep (hey, I can't help it she wanted her daddy, I went in there and she started crying so of course I let him handle it). Last night she successfully slept through the night which means we both got a good nights sleep. Except for the one time I heard my husband snore and I had to nudge him.

My alarm went off and I got up to go to the gym. And I didn't even reset it! It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. Not only that but I had a good run and I've felt good all day.

I ran 4 miles, 34:07, avg pace 8:31 (without Nike+ I'm done with that damn watch). This was according to the treadmill which I trust much more lately.

I did a quick weight circuit (quick is the story of my life) and headed home.

My company signed a corporate agreement with one of the area gyms. So if you sign up it's a payroll deduction and you get a discounted monthly rate, no contract, and access to any of the 10 locations. Didn't take as much convincing as I thought but my husband gave me permission said I could sign up. So now I have two gym memberships.

Why do I need two? Well because I will still do my morning runs at the one near my house. And I have the second one near my office so I can go at lunch or in the evenings if my husband picks up my daughter. I don't mind coming back to work stinky as long as my co-workers don't mind :)

It'll take some of the pressure off trying to get everything done in the mornings and give me a place to go during my lunch hour. If I don't use it like I plan to then I can cancel at anytime. 

I hope I don't scare anyone out of having kids based on my experiences with Sophie not sleeping. My co-workers son sleeps excellent and hardly ever wakes up. I would never let her "cry it out" so with next child I will handle it differently in hopes that they will not be so needy. But seriously you're not going to sleep much with a newborn that part is rough.

Tomorrow my mid week run bumps up to 8 miles so I have to make sure I get out of bed on time so I can get it done and not run late for work. At lunch I plan on hitting the gym and doing some weights. 

We've been putting off potty training because I just haven't had the time to take her to the bathroom every 15 minutes because we've been busy. So this weekend I'm taking the diaper off and we'll see how it goes. Monday I'm going to bring underwear to school and pray that she takes to it well. She seems to want to do what the other kids are doing and I think she's one of the last kids that hasn't started potty training (oops). I will admit this is the stage of life that I wish I could fast forward or pay someone to potty train.

Halloween is next week and I need to get cracking on Sophie's costume. She's going to be a black cat. I'm so original. 

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