Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Run Post Marathon

Hello legs!! Good to feel ya!

I made it to the gym this morning with high hopes of doing a 3 mile run. I'm happy I made it out of bed because I slept so good last night, which I haven't been sleeping well the last week.

When I get to the gym I see people standing outside. Uh oh, not good.

So yep, sure enough the opener is late.

Our gym used to be 24 hours then they wanted to change it to 5 am. I think a lot of people complained and they settled on 4 am. Which I think is perfect and believe it or not there are quite a few people that get there that early. I arrive anywhere between 4:30 and 4:45. I need that extra time to do my thing and make it home in time to get ready for work.

So I wait, talk to some guy that lives in my neighborhood. He leaves and it's after 5 at this point. Hey - I know people oversleep have something come up but when then cycling instructor shows up and is trying to call people, managers and no one answers the phone - that's a little annoying. I could tell she was getting mad.

I go and sit in my car when it starts to rain and tell myself that after 5:30 I'll head home because if they show up at 5:30 I can get at least 30 minutes in.

Luckily I waited till 5:40 and by that tome someone finally showed up.

So I got 2 miles in 18 minutes done. I'll take it, some is better than none.

Legs were really not cooperating so I took it slow. And even then my slow still felt like a lot of effort. After a while I think things were loosening up but at that point I had to stop and get home. Bummer but there's always tomorrow. I think maybe I'll call before I leave the house tomorrow, just to make sure someone is there!

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