Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 weeks and counting

Well, as you can see from the baby ticker I am 38 weeks today. Words cannot describe how much I don't want to be pregnant anymore. For all mom's reading this, you know how I'm feeling. I would have to say I've had a great pregnancy overall (aside from 2 colds and a stomach bug). I've been able to exercise, go to work everyday, basically have energy this entire time.

Well, that's all changed.

I'm officially tired, tired of exercising, tired of work, and I have no energy. It's gone. I can't even sleep. Big belly and achy hips keep me up all night, not even so much going to the bathroom, but I just can't get comfortable. Oh, and not to mention the size of my legs, ankles, feet, fingers, and I even think I'm finally starting to get "fat face." Not really, but this morning when I woke up I felt like my face looked fat. People at work told me it wasn't, I think they were just being nice :) I will not miss the swelling.

With that being said, I hope labor comes soon. I hope next week is my last week of work and I hope that we will get to meet Sophie very soon. Ricky and I are both getting anxious. I've had a lot more BH contractions. Actually on Saturday, on our way to our anniversary dinner, I started having some pretty consistently. They didn't hurt, just felt my belly tighten up. I decided not to alarm Ricky and wait it out. Well we got through dinner, got back home, and they stopped. We'll see what happens in the next 2 weeks. I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow so let's hope that there's some dilation!!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

I hope for you it come soon. I remember these summer months of being pregnant and it was miserable. There are not enough BIG ICEE's to help.:) Hang in there

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