Overall this week has been extremely stressful. As I mentioned in a previous post, Sophie has been battling thrush for about 2 weeks now. The mouth part hasn't been very bad at all, it was that darn yeast diaper rash that was the worst. And by worst I mean it looked like we had poured scalding hot water on her bottom. It blistered and bled, and she screamed at every diaper change! Poor baby!! I swear I have never been so upset in my life as I have this week. I hated seeing her in so much pain. So to rid her of that yeast, she was on diflucan by mouth and had a special anti-fungal cream (Nyastatin) for her tooshie. After doing just about everything I could think of and that I had read online, she received a baking soda bath everyday, she was rinsed in the sink after every poopy diaper along with being air-dried, and then we slathered her with her special cream and Flanders diaper rash cream (this was recommended and it is AWESOME!!!). The Flanders we just started using Friday and already the redness is down and looks like it's in the healing process. No more screams at diaper changing time and our happy baby is back. As far as her mouth, I no longer see any white patches indicating that she still has thrush (keeping fingers crossed).
So today was the perfect ending to a stressful week. We're looking forward to next year when Sophie is older and will totally enjoy the beach!
1 comment:
stress, the never ending part of parenting. Stress and worrying. YOu are doing agreat job, I have learned that even when it is the worst they will still love you:)
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