Nikki, Pam, Me
This morning I participated in the Lowcountry Race for the Cure. This is my 4th year running it. Overall I think I did very well, seeing as that I haven't ran in really almost a year (just a little here and there since my ta-ta's have finally gone down in size). I ran the entire race and finished somewhere around 32 minutes. Not too shabby for a lady that just had a baby 4 months ago. This really gets me pumped up to start training for my 1/2 marathon, 13.1 miles, next December. I plan on signing up for the Kiawah Island 1/2 Marathon 2010 with my friend Pam. I must be crazy but this is exactly the motivation I need to get on track. Should be interesting but I know I can do it!! Next race is the Turkey Day Wobble Gobble on Thanksgiving morning. This will be my first time running it (we're usually out of town or I cook).
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