Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week 3 Recap

I'm behind on my weekly recaps. I honestly can't even remember what I was supposed to be running this week so bear with me as I try to get the information correct.

Day 1 - Sunday

No idea what I did this day....oh wait I remember! This was the day we went to the beach because it was supposed to be sunny and it was cloudy and rainy. So in short, it was a rest day.

Day 2 - Monday

I did a spin class at the gym and it killed my buttox. It had been a while since I did spinning and my legs felt like jello after. They kind of wobbled like jello too but that could have just been the cellulite. Kidding but I really do have some...cellulite that is. Hey I'm 30 it happens.

Day 3 - Tuesday

3.05 miles on the treadmill with some elliptical and abs. Legs were sore from spinning.

Day 4 - Wednesday

Rest day because I was STILL sore from spinning. Plus my husband saws logs in his sleep which prevents me from sleeping most nights. So I was tired.

Day 5 - Thursday

5.02 miles on the treadmill. Nothing exciting just another run on the schedule. I think I was just happy to make it out of bed and my legs not be as sore.

Day 6 - Friday

Rest day. Didn't make it out of bed like I had planned because I stayed up too late the night before. Which in reality wasn't that late at all, but for me it was late. 10:45, such a night owl I am.

Day 7 - Saturday

6.76 miles around my neighborhood. Time 1:00:01, avg pace 8:52. It was a cool morning (finally!) and I was loving every minute of this run. Also got to use my new (used) bike. The hubby and I took the child out for a 6 mile bike ride.

Then I got pink eye...for like the 3rd time in less than a year. I think it was allergy related and was gone by Monday.

So that was Week 3 in a nutshell. Still feeling good!!

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