Yesterday I did my 15 miles on Folly Beach.
I started out feeling really good. Actually I felt really good miles 1-13.5. I kept a pretty consistent pace and was enjoying the run, weather, and scenery.
Since I have a half marathon on Sunday, I wanted to push this run some and see what my projected time would be for 13.1 miles. I ended up somewhere around 2 hours 3 minutes and 33 seconds. This would be a PR as the last half marathon was 2 hours 7 minutes. I hope I can pull it off on Sunday! I desperately want to get a sub 2 hour but I anything better than my previous time will make be happy.
Around mile 13.5 I started feeling tired, thirsty and ready to stop. My legs were starting to cramp and my pace slowed big time. I started to struggle mentally after the run wondering if 15 hurts this bad how can I possibly do the remaining long runs? I know this is the whole part of training but this was tough. I also have to factor in that I barely ran this past week and my calorie intake was reduced due to traveling and not eating as much. I can't forget that I felt great the majority of the run so it's OK that the last couple of miles were tough. I finished and didn't stop so I should be proud (actually I stopped at my car at mile 10 for some more water but that was only for like 2 minutes).
15.01 miles, 2 hours, 23 minutes, avg pace 9:31. I'm proud of myself.
This past weekend was the Lowcountry Race for the Cure on Daniel Island. I've run this race the last 4 years and was a little sad to have missed it. I was looking at the race results and saw that the 3rd place winner for my age group was like 23 minutes. I know that if I ran this race I could have either beat, or come really close to beating that time.
Then I started feeling like maybe I should abandon all this marathon nonsense and focus on faster, shorter distances. I'm not sure where this doubt is coming from. I'm not a fast runner, I'm slightly above average I would say (slightly). I want to be faster. I don't know if long distances are for me seeing as how spent I felt after just 15 miles.
One thing I'm not is a quitter so for now I'm going to follow through with my goals. However I'm trying to think of a short race I can run for fun and speed.
I guess it wouldn't be a big deal if I wasn't thinking about having another baby. Time is limited here and I don't want to put off baby plans. I know there's always after baby and I probably won't have time for long distances so I can focus on being fast! I just want that one marathon medal to one day show my kids.
This morning my legs are sore but not horribly. I wore my compression socks to bed last night so I don't really have any lower legs pain. My knees are a little tender and the inside of my thighs are sore but overall I feel good.
Did you fuel while on your 15-mile run?
I am trying to get of all my running/racing out of my system before having kids. . . .although I don't think it will ever get out of my system!
I did fuel some but maybe not enough, still working on that part. I'm hoping after this marathon I'll either want a break or run another one! But at the same time I really want another baby. You can still run some while pregnant :)
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