Plus I wasn't really feeling it today. Maybe it's the PMS. Yep, it's that time again. Evil Jen is back. I hate this time of month, my hormones get all wacky and I get in BAD moods. Not fun.
So I'm feeling sort of blah this week but trying to contain my emotions. That could have a negative impact, if I don't release it I'm going to have a breakdown. Yes, it gets that bad and no I DO NOT want to be on birth control or any other mood altering medications.
There are just some days where every one around you would be safer if you just stayed home. I'm kidding of course.
Luckily I have Friday off to refinish the furniture I bought for my daughters new room. Since I have to prime I'm going to do a coat first and then possibly head to the gym for a quick workout and then come back home to paint. There's two body pump classes I could go to in the morning that may work.
So I started thinking about the topic of music while running. I can't run without it. My iPod to be specific.
Music motivates me and distracts me. I've tried running without music and I just don't seem to have the same drive and energy level as I do with my tunes blasting in my ear.
I think anyone who can run without music is awesome. To be able to tune everything else around you out, I cannot do it.
I tired at the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon for a while, just to see, and all I could hear were people coughing, snorting, spitting, grunting, and farting.
Yep, that pretty much just did it for me. Ear buds back on.
I've even tried to tough out a run when my battery has died and I could barely get 3 miles.
I'm just not that runner and that's OK. It' whatever works for you.
The reason this popped into my head to write about is because there's a man I see at the gym and he's that guy that wants to talk to you. He'll talk to anyone.
Last week I was the only person on a set of treadmills and he got on the one RIGHT NEXT to me. That irritates me.
Well he got on the one right next to me so he could talk, loudly, to the woman on the next set of treadmills. They had about a 20 minute conversation. Why he couldn't go walk next to her is beyond me. I've stopped trying to figure people out.
Anyway this morning I put my water and earphones on a treadmill and the went to the locker room to blow my nose. When I came out the a**hole guy, same guy, moved my stuff!!! To use that treadmill to talk, loudly, to the same woman as last week (poor woman).
So I got my stuff and gave him a dirty look and found another one. Of course after he comes up and apologizes for moving my stuff which I appreciate but seriously people! If I saw someone's water on a treadmill I would probably think someone was going to use it and find a different one.
Anyway, my little rant is over. Back to music, thank goodness for iPods!!!!! Music on and I'm rocking out 4 miles and I don't have to listen to annoying guy's hour long conversation.
Some of my favorite songs to run to:
Anything by Muse
Coldplay - loving their new song "Paradise." Anyone seen the music video? I thought it was hilarious.
I've got some old school like Pink Floyd "Run Like Hell"
I like the hard stuff, got some Tool, A Perfect Circle.
There's a guitar song by Rodrigo y Gabriella called "Buster Voodoo" that had an awesome beat and I like to do some sprints to this song.
It's hump day and I'm looking forward to my day off. It's the last one till Christmas but, as always, I'll be busting my behind to get stuff done. Relax apparently is not in my vocabulary.
However instead of cooking for Christmas Eve I'm going to suggest to my husband we got out to dinner. I really don't want to be stuck in the kitchen all day, I want to enjoy my weekend too and cooking, for me, is stressful. We'll see what he says... or what's open.
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