Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sleeping In...Or Trying To Anyway

I crashed hard last night. Fortunately so did my daughter so as soon as she was fast asleep I crawled into bed a slept all the way till my alarm went off at 4:00. I hit snooze and passed out again. Next time my alarm went I decided the gym was a no go this morning. My body felt really tired, from the last two days of running and weights. Clearly this is a sign to rest.

I'm laying there, and laying there and am not going back to sleep. So by the time I said "forget sleeping in" I looked at the clock and it was 4:50. Crap, no time to go and get a decent workout in. Hate it when that happens. So finally I must have fallen back asleep because I had a dream and we got a new washer and dryer?? Huh. Weird.

Woke up at 6:15 and realized that I had no gas in my car, which was the real reason why I was going to go to the gym and get gas on my way home. Oops!

Oh honey..... can you go put gas in my car?

Luckily he got a quick shower and ran out for me. Love that man!

My Christmas shopping is about 98% complete! I have just a few more items to purchase, that just required a quick trip out to a few shops.

I am on "vacation" tomorrow and will be priming and painting Sophie's headboard. I'm going to attempt to at least get her bookcase primed but I doubt I will get it painted. Between coats I'm planning on working out, running errands and cleaning.

Saturday I have 12 miles, a hair appointment and more painting.

Sunday we are doing a brunch with Santa with some friends, the Holiday Parade in our town, and hopefully the Festival of Lights and the county park.

Busy weekend!!

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