Operation paci take away has commenced and it has not been pretty.
Yes, I realize that my child is almost 3 and still sleeps with a paci. The dentist has lectured me and family members have lectured me but what can I say? I've needed my sleep.
I'm sure at some point in the blog I've mentioned how horrible of a sleeper my daughter was and really within the last 8 months has she started sleeping through the night consistently. Who could blame me for not wanting to take the one thing that would aide in her sleeping well? Call me selfish I don't care. I personally would just call me tired.
I always figured it wasn't killing her. She is a happy and healthy girl so who cares that she sleeps with a paci? Yes, I realize that it could mess up her mouth and the odds of her needing braces increase tremendously but both me and my husband had braces so she's doomed anyway.
Over the last few months I've tried to with hold the beloved paci but I couldn't take the tantrums that went along with it.
Last Friday she went to bed without it (surprisingly) and slept all the way until 5:00 but woke up asking for it. I caved. What can I say I was tired. Horrible excuse I know but who really can deal with a screaming child at 5 am?
So Saturday she's just pissed from the get go and cried for over an hour when I wouldn't give it to her. The real kicker? "Can you get it for me please mommy?" I am mush and I caved yet again. Confusing this child? Yes! I have no will power.
So fast forward to last night I try a different tactic. I say "Sophie, paci's are nasty. They are yucky and you don't want that nasty thing in your mouth." "Paci's are for babies and you'r a big girl."
She seems to contemplate this for a few moments and finally tells me "Mommy, I give paci to a baby because I'm a big girl." What?? OK roll with it. So I tell her to give it to baby Lawson (her cousin who is 10 months).
She gives it to me and then a few minutes later she asks for it back, well cries for it really. So I give it to her but continue my negative talk of the paci. My new plan is to make the paci sound like it's the grossest thing ever in hopes that it'll ultimately be her decision to give it up. Sophie just isn't a cold turkey kind of kid.
We fall asleep in my bed and all hell breaks lose when my husband tried to move her back to her bed. She wakes up crying because she wants to sleep with mommy and daddy (we've been letting her fall asleep in our bed but move her when she's asleep - just another one of those phases that'll work itself out in time).
So I go in and tell her she can sleep with mommy and daddy if she takes her paci out. If she wants paci she has to sleep in her own bed. Once she gets in bed she tells me "Paci's are for babies, I give it to a baby." and she hands it over.
And she sleeps all night with out it. I, however, did not sleep. She's a kicker.
Let's see what tonight brings. Either way I call it a step in the right direction.
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