Saturday I woke up and did a 4 mile run but could tell my balance was off because my head was so stuffy. We had a wedding to go to that evening and by that time I was in full fledged hell. My head felt like it was going to explode, I couldn't breathe, my nose was running like crazy. Fun.
Sunday I was supposed to do 10 miles for my up and coming half marathon. Didn't happen and I was bummed. I almost ventured out anyway until my husband
Monday I called in sick to work and laid in bed. All. Day. Lost my voice too. However through out all these days I've been sick I have not been sleeping well. How are you suppose to get better if you're not sleeping? I can't breath and my head has been so stuffy it's been really difficult to sleep.
Tuesday I went to work still feeling like crap but I had stuff that had to get done. Woke up about 12:30 this morning coughing my brains out, blowing my nose, and having the worst sinus headache I think I have EVER had. So I didn't sleep much last night either.
Oh not to mention my eyes were all crusted shut and am on the verge of viral pink eye AGAIN!!! Luckily after my shower and cleaning them out they don't look as red and they did when I first peeled my eyes open.
So I'm at work again today and hoping that someone puts me out of my misery, oh I mean I hope I start to feel better because I really want to run tomorrow and I have to do my long run Saturday which at this rate could be long and painful. I'm throwing a baby shower Sunday so I really need to be feeling better.
Why don't I take any medicine? Well I'm really weird about med's and won't take any unless I absolutely have to. Sleeping pills? NO WAY!! So I suffer. But if it's just a virus it still has to run it's course. If in another week I'm still this bad off then I'll go to the doctor and bed them for an antibiotic but in the meantime I can kick this myself. I think it makes your immune system stronger, which is why I warded off colds the last year. This was just my time and boy was it out to get me.
I hope to be up and running tomorrow. Literally.
In other news Sophie is officially paci free!!! Last week was a little rough but I had her convinced that the paci would make her teeth nasty and that she gave it to her baby cousin. It seemed to work because she asked for it only a few times but when I told her it was gone she seemed fine with it. And the really good news is she's still sleeping pretty well!! So happy to be done with that phase of her life.
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