So after my run I did a circuit train. I used to take Body Pump classes (actually they are called Group Power at my gym, but essentially it's the same thing) but I can't seem to fit a class into my schedule. I know the basic moves so it's my 30 minute weight train, little to no rest, I just move onto the next body part.
We're still watching Hurricane Irene. She seems to be turning more and more east but we're not out of the woods yet. Charleston will more than likely start getting the wind and rain Friday though Saturday evening. According to the Weather Channel, Sunday it shaping up to be a nice day. So I'm hoping I can still do my 8 miles like originally planned.
3.26 miles, 26:56, avg pace 8:15
1 | 8:10 | 8'10"/mi |
2 | 16:27 | 8'17"/mi |
3 | 24:41 | 8'14"/mi |
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