Friday, August 19, 2011

Oh Dear...

So I was on Facebook and just read this article from on 13.1 reasons to run a half marathon and let me just say I wish I would have ignored it.

My confidence started wavering after reading:

2. You're not ready for a full marathon. There could be a variety of reasons why this is the case. Maybe you didn't allow enough time to train. Maybe it seems too daunting. Perhaps a slight injury compromised your training. Your work schedule is too demanding. Whatever the reason, the half marathon is still a challenging distance and 13.1 miles is nothing to sneeze at.  

I then started thinking: Am I ready? Will I get injured? Can I handle the training, the working full time, the being a mommy? Will I burn out and quit? Oh jeez!!!!!!!!!!!

and then there was number 7:

7. There is less injury risk with a half marathon versus a full marathon. Injuries are the bane of any runner's existence. One of the big factors that contribute to running related injuries is training. To be more specific, overtraining increases the risk of running related aggravations and injuries. The higher the weekly mileage generally the higher the risk of running related. Needless to say, you're not going to log nearly as many miles gearing up for a half marathon versus a full marathon.

I have never been injured. Sure I've had the occasional shin splints, pain in my glute, pain in my ankle, but a few rest days and I was good to go. What if I sign up for this, get injured, and then can't run the race? Will I feel like failure? All this time I'm investing, all the plans that I've said "no" to because I want to focus on my training. 

Am I thinking too much? Where are these self doubts coming from?

Sure I know that I'm not going to run it as fast as some people, I know I'm going to be slow and I'm ok with that. 

I just want to finish, that is my goal. I want to be able to say "I did this." I want to tell my daughter and future 2nd child that you can do anything you put your mind to. I want fitness to be a part of their lives as they get older. I'm a big advocate for that.

I want them to be proud of their momma when I show them my marathon medal (I hope to still be running when my children are older).

Anyway, those are just a few of my self doubts and it scares me slightly. I just need to stop being a "Negative Nancy."

But in the back of my mind I'm asking myself am I going to be able to do this? Should I just concentrate on my half marathon time? I don't know the answer but I'm pushing forward with my goal.

Worst case I drop down to the half marathon. Sure I'll be out of the money but I'll still cross the finish line and get a darn medal. 

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