Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Already?

These posts are starting to get few and far between, not on purpose though.

As you can see by the title of this post I'm wondering how it became May already. This year has flown by so far. I guess having a kid will do that to you. We already have something going every weekend in June so that month will be here and gone in an instant.

Not much has happened since my last post. I am sad to admit I have not taken a lot of pictures of Sophie...again not on purpose. I have a few on my camera but have not downloaded them.

Sophie is going through a "no touch" phase. Ricky and I are not allowed to show any kind of affection towards each other. If we do she runs over and says "daddy! mama! No touch." She's sleeping better but still wakes up at least once or twice a week wanting to sleep with us. I think it's a combination between molars and nightmares.

We're having her birthday party on June 4th this year and it's going to be an art party. She loves to color so I'm going to have a painting station where I buy canvases for the kids to paint on, and then I'm going to have an area where they can create their own art by using crayons, markers, paint, stickers, glitter. I think I might do a tote stamping as a part of their party favors....but I'm not sure about that one. For the party favors I think I'm going to make mini chalk boards.

I cannot take credit for this creativity. The internet is such a wonderful resource. I can, however, execute the idea. I wish I had the time to be this creative but I just don't. Maybe one day.....

In running news, I'm still pounding away at the pavement and treadmill. Trying to keep my fitness level up by running middle distances during the week and a long run on the weekends (until it gets too hot and humid). I plan on running at least 2 more half marathons this year. I'm signed up for the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon Oct. 23rd and going to sign up for the Thunder Road Half Marathon in November. Thinking I might still do Kiawah but not sure.

Still heavily leaning towards yes for the Charleston Marathon in January. Still cannot fully commit to a yes but the theory is still to run the Marathon and then get pregnant with baby no.2. Which would give me an October baby if I get pregnant right away - which would be awesome. I really want a fall baby!

So that's the latest and greatest! I will try and post some pictures soon.

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