Friday, September 4, 2009

Cool New Blog

Wow! Look at all the cool new stuff on the blog! I've been very busy during my lunch break all week working on this. I've really learned a lot about GIMP (it's a free photo manipulation program) and even messed with the html code some (the Internet is a wonderful resource). And to top it all off, I love doing this kind of stuff!! I could sit for hours and hours and design this crap. I think I missed my calling. I should have gone into graphic design instead of painting. Oh well.

So no, I did not make the header myself. I downloaded a digital scrap booking kit from The header was pre-made (I plan on designing my own when I have time) but I did add the text on the header myself. I also know how to merge my photos with the picture frames and create my own stuff. The ideas are going crazy in my head I can hardly contain myself (yes, I'm a nerd). So as always, don't be surprised if you see something new or different. My blog will be a work in progress for a while.

I'm just happy that I found a "theme" that fits who we are. We live near the beach and I am a beach bum at heart (and one day Sophie will be too). I will have time this weekend to get some pictures of Sophie up so be sure to check back!

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