Tuesday, September 14, 2010

15 Month Checkup

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted and I'm really sorry about that. It's been busy busy busy at the Bell household so I have a few updates.

- Sophie LOVES her new school now. She does so well each day, I'm very proud of the way she's adapted. I love her teachers, they are so nice and take very good care of her.

- Words: Sophie can say hi, bye, dog, bird, duck, mama, dadda, yes. She listen's when we tell her no and she can shake her head no when she doesn't want something.

She is very good on her feet, not that she doesn't take a tumble every know or then but the doctor says he very impressed with the way she carries herself (she can squat and stand up very well, catches herself if she stumbles).

At her 15 month check up yesterday she weighed in at 21 pounds (27th percentile) and 30 inches long (32nd percentile), and her head is 18 inches (80th percentile). She she's short, skinny, with a big head. Ha, just kidding. She's a happy and healthy little girl.

I still need to post pictures from our beach trip, haven't had much time to go through and edit them but I'm working on it.

Sophie at Edisto Beach, August 2010

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