Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My First Attempt at Photo Editing

I still have have high hopes of one day working from home and doing web page design stuff. If I could afford it and had the time to do it, I would go back to school in a heartbeat and take some graphic design classes. Maybe later when Sophie and baby no. 2get older. I would love to be able to work from home when the kids are in school so I can still pick them up from school, help with homework, and cook dinner, while earning some money. Not a bad idea..... may have to look into this. So I'm trying to become "self taught" during my free time. Ha ha, free time. What's that again? Between raising a soon to be toddler and training for my 1/2 marathon in 6 months, AND working full time......

So you see where free time may be a problem. Like anything, if there's a will there's a way and I can be a very determined individual.

I currently use GIMP, a free photo manipulation program that I did some of my blog design with. It doesn't come with a users manual so I've googled a lot of "how to's." I would L-O-V-E to buy Photoshop but it's like $80 or something and baby needs some shoes, so that's on the back burner for now. GIMP isn't so bad, it's just different. And free is always good.

So today I did a tutorial called Split-Toning. It's an effect where you can have a certain color for highlight and another color for shadows. I used the blue and yellow that were done on the tutorial but am going to go back and do some of my own color's another time.

So here is my before and end result. Nothing fancy or extraordinary but it's a start.

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