Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Little Black Cat

Trick or Treating was a success! I'm so proud of the fact that she wore her costume with out a fuss, let me draw her whiskers on her face, and actually walked up to the doors and said "trick or treat" and "thank you" every time she got candy.

Happy kitty ready to get some candy. 
 If you look closely at my car you'll see the nice dented tailgate and bumper from my accident - that's finally getting fixed next week.
She carried that pouch of candy the entire time.

Went to maybe 10 houses and then headed home so we could get Sophie ready for bed. I'm happy she had a great time and look forward to next year. Now she realizes she got a bunch of candy, it was the first thing she asked for this morning so we hid it.

This morning I ran 4 miles, 33:08, avg pace 8:15. As I was doing weights I realized that I was supposed to do 5 miles. Oops.

I was going to do an extra mile after weights but then I ran out of time.

I also realized that this weekend daylight savings ends. Bummer!! I hate getting home from work when it's dark out. Makes me feel like I missed the day. However I do like it getting lighter earlier. I've been having such a hard time getting out of bed on the weekends because the sun doesn't rise till about 7:15 or so.

Gaining an hour of sleep is always nice though.

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