Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What the Heck Was That?

My post title is how I would describe my run this morning, and not in a good way. Not one of my best runs this morning at all.

Morning starts off with the usual resetting my alarm a bunch of times. I finally drag myself out of bed and start getting ready. I start having some tummy trouble, not really sure why. Maybe my digestive system was still sleeping and angry with me being awake.

So it took me a little longer than normal getting out of the house. I'm late getting to the gym. Once I get to the gym I start having tummy troubles again. Not good for my motivation and I'm just feeling blah.

So I start running and by mile 3 I have this insane side stitch. I hardly get these so I'm like WTH? I walk for a few minutes. Then my next two miles were the same. I'd be ok then I'd start to feel like crap, then I'd get a side stitch. 

So I only managed 5.5 mile, walking twice, instead of the 6 on my schedule. Bummer. 

I still feel a little not quite right today so I hope I'm not coming down with something. Then again I hardly had an appetite yesterday after having a stressful and busy day at work and then horrible commute home. So I'm sure I didn't eat enough to fuel for this mornings run. 

Now I'm torn between sleeping in tomorrow or getting up and running. I'll see how I sleep tonight. 

One more day of work and then it's three day weekend! Much deserved after the week I've had. 

5.5 miles, 47:30, avg pace 8:36

Mile 2  - yeah that's about right. Plus these times do not count me stopping or walking, I paused my watch. 

We'll see how tomorrow goes. I made sure I ate some pasta (spaghetti) at lunch today. Oh hell, I even had a cookie too!

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