Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's Official

I have taken the plunge and registered for the Charleston Marathon. I didn't have the heart palpitations I was expecting I would experience when I clicked the submit button, however my stomach started to hurt after I got the confirmation e-mail.

I'm my own worst enemy boys and girls. If this race doesn't kill me my negativity will! Kidding of course.

I was supposed to run 3 miles this morning. My head was saying "yes" but my body was telling me "NO!!!!!!!!" So I listened to my body and slept an extra hour. Of course I was mad at myself when I got up because I could have totally gone to the gym.

I plan on doing the 3 miles this evening in my neighborhood. It'll be hot but I gotta stick to my plan! Otherwise I have to get up tomorrow and I don't want to run the day before my long run.

Of course running this evening depends on how traffic is, how grouchy child is, how tired I am. I think my husband is going to ride his bike while I run. I'm hoping this helps motivate me because I'm usually pretty tired when I get home.

And please excuse any type-o's or misspelled words as I am typing this with one contact in.

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