Monday, September 26, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

I can't say this was the best weekend I've ever had. It started out good, sucked in the middle, and ended OK.

Saturday morning I set out for my 12 miler. Earlier in the week they were forecasting the mid 60's for a low but with all the rain we've had it ended up being about 72 degrees and like 80% humidity. Yuck.

The run started out well, I felt good, had all my water and stuff. But before long, I started feeling icky, sweaty and tired. The heat and humidity just really zaps my energy. I was drinking a lot and by mile 10 I was running slow/walking. That's about the time the sun peaked out and smacked me in the face. By the end it was hot and muggy and I had a hard time finishing. So my 12 miles was almost 2 hours. Felt like crap but happy I finished even if I did have to walk (walking makes me mad and I almost never walk). The cooler weather we recently had was a bad tease. Please come back!!

After my run I came home and got ready to take my daughter to a birthday party. By that time it was starting to rain here at there.

So I'm at a stop light, it's green but then I hear sirens and see a firetruck approaching the intersection. I stop so it can pass when BAM! I get rear ended. You have got to be freaking kidding me. The is the 2nd time I've been hit in the last year and a half. Last May some woman ran a red light and hit me on the passenger side. She ended up not having insurance.

This time around I just have minimal damage to my rear end. Other lady's car is worse than mine. She claims she "did not see me" which translate into "I wasn't paying a damn bit of attention to the SUV that was stopped in front of me." Hopefully she has insurance. What makes me even more mad is that she didn't even apologize or anything. I was less than friendly as well but darn it, I'm sick of stupid people hitting me!

What makes it even worse is that Sophie was with me. Luckily she just fine and had no idea what happened. But it freaks me out and makes me even more paranoid to drive with her in the car.

After the police report we headed onto the birthday party, which we were an hour late for, and then to friend's house for a cookout and football.

Sunday we were supposed to take the boat out but my husband was on call and had to drive to Beaufort, SC for something. So Sophie and I hung out, watched TV, played kitchen, colored and tried some potty training (which did not go so great but that's ok!) Then Daddy came home and I went to the gym because there was no time to take the boat out at that point.

I was supposed to cross train but I just wanted to run some more since I missed a 3 mile run last week. I thought my legs were going to be really sore and tired but they felt really good as I started running. I have my Recovery Socks to thank.

I did 3.36 miles on the treadmill (because it was still so nasty hot and humid and stormy out) 25:36, avg pace 7:37. Wait, can that be right? Was I really running that fast? This is according to my Nike plus watch (which I have calibrated enough for it to be pretty accurate .Not so according to the treadmill but for confidence I'm going with Nike plus.


Maybe that's not 100% accurate but I'll take it. Makes me feel better. Either way though, my legs felt great, I felt great. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical after that and then some weights. 

Last night we made homemade calzones. I stuffed mine with some turkey sausage and veggies. Yum! 

Sophie was in a great mood all day and that just makes time with her all the more worth it. We had a great weekend together and now that it's Monday and I'm at work and she's at school, I miss her. 

Rest day today and then it'll be back to my schedule this week. Goal is to hit all my runs for the week. 

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