Friday, October 14, 2011

Getting Back to Normal...Slowly

Excuse my crazy ramble yesterday. I was exhausted and could not think straight, obviously. I don't travel much, let alone to the west coast, nor on airplane so my body is all out of sorts. Traveling takes a lot out of you, especially when it's 2 days, you don't get much time to relax.

I've been going pretty much non-stop all week so when I got home got some sleep and then had to come to work yesterday I was struggling to make it to 5:00. When I got home I was dragging ass and feel asleep multiple times throughout the evening.

I had good intentions to make it to the gym this morning, even laid out my clothes and everything. When the alarm went off I almost got out of bed. My mind was ready but my body felt tired and heavy. I laid there for a few minutes contemplating what to do. Next thing I knew it was 6:30 am. Oops! Fell back asleep, hard, and didn't reset my alarm. So then I was up and at it rushing to get ready for work.

I guess this week is just going to be my week that didn't happen as planned. I'm trying to be ok with it, to be honest I'm bummed that I missed my runs but it's still early enough in training that it's going to be fine. I think. I hope. I'm still doing my 15 mile long run this weekend. It's either going to go really well or really bad.

I run my half marathon next weekend so I need to get back into the swing of things next week. I'm feeling more rested today so I should be good to go.

The only thing that concerns me is that I really haven't eaten much this week. Because it's been so busy with traveling on planes and making sales calls we've put meals on the back burner. Had one or two good meals but all in all my diet has dwindled. I tried to eat more than normal at dinner last night but I got full really quick. So today I'm going to try and get some extra carbs in me so I won't crap out during my long run this weekend.

Luckily this is the only snag in my training. I won't be traveling for work any time between now and January. So I need to just roll with it, but I have such mental issues with missing any runs, I feel like I'm not going to do well. I know that's not really the case but I was really bummed this morning when I realized I had fallen back to sleep.

Hopefully this weekend will go well.

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