Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vertically Challenged

I'm short. I say I'm 5'1 but actually I'm a little shorter than that.

The picture below is me, my mom and sister. I always thought me and my mom were the same height. Doesn't appear to be so. She's a shorty too. My sister is maybe 5'4? Still not very tall.

Short, shorter and shortest
In this picture it's my brother in law and nephews, me, my brother, Ricky and Sophie. My brother in law is very tall probably over 6 feet. My oldest nephew, Garrett, comes up past my waste. My brother is still not very tall, 5'6 maybe? Ricky is 5'9 (I think - everyone is tall to me so I can't really judge their height very well).

Shortest is always front and center. 
I don't really have too many issues with being short other than when I'm in crowds I feel like everyone's butt is in my face. I think that also makes me feel closed in and claustrophobic.

My biggest issue with being a shorty is gaining a few pounds looks like you've gained about 10. In my family our weight goes straight to our thighs and booty's. I love my upper body, hate the lower half. I also have a short torso so I feel scrunched and out of proportion.

I know everyone has their issues but mine is definitely my hips, thighs and butt.

I'm constantly told I look younger than what I am. I'm not sure if this is my face or the fact that many 12 year olds are taller than me (12? My nephew is almost 6 and he comes up past my waste. He'll probably pass me at 8). I was 19 for about 6 years and now I'm about 25. Yeah I know, when I'm 40 I'll probably finally look 31 (my age now). I used to, not so much now, get surprised looks when people card me. And then I get the "Wow, you don't look like you're 31." Never heard that one before!

Anyway this story doesn't really have a point other than I wish I were a little bit taller (enter that rap song - can't remember who sang it? Rapped it?)

I'm envious of taller runners. Their strides are so long and graceful. Mine are short and stubby. They are I can't help it, I think I have chubby legs no matter how much I run. I think that's just they way I was "built."

I always say my life would be so much easier if I were just a few inches taller. I could reach my cabinets and not have to get a step stool. It's the little things really. Actually I would love to have longer legs since I think mine are so short and stubby.

My only hope is that Sophie will get some height on her from Ricky's side. I don't know though, she's got little chunker thighs too. Sorry girl!

I'm just so glad my mom knows how to hem.

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